Thursday 16 May 2019

Hello And Welcome To My Blog...

I created this blog because I wanted to share what I can make and my work in progress in how things start and finish.

In 2013 I started Cross Stitching first. This was because I saw what my sister was making and I fell in love with it and the idea of making something so I picked up a mini kit in a craft shop and then started buying magazines that had free kits with them. I found a beautiful Noah's Ark that I made for my Nephews Christening later that year. I have not made anything that big since.
But, I have made loads of little bits with kits

A year later in 2014 I taught myself how to Crochet. I was talking to a friend on Facebook and we decided between us that we were gonna learn how to Crochet. So I went out and brought myself wool and hooks and made a start. I only made little bits to start off with, but I haven't looked back and have come so far with what I can make, and I am still learning as I go.

In 2016, after buying loads of Knitting & Crochet Magazines that I brought for the Crochet patterns I decided that I was going to relearn how to knit. I did learn to knit when I was younger by my Nan but I stopped and don't know why. I could never cast on or off again my Nan used to do that for me! But I learnt how to do it from my magazine doing the basic knit stitch and got my friend to help me when I wanted to learn to Purl. I struggled to start off with as I followed a basic pattern to make an Apple Pin Cushion and asked for her help, she wasn't able to work it out so asked me to talk to her Grandma and that's when I found out that I was doing it all backwards lol.
I got so better and have been making plenty of bits since!

My creativity doesn't stop at Knitting, Crochet & Cross Stitching, I can make jewellery, I have made Bracelets, Necklaces, Keyrings and more. I also use moulds and cookie cutters to make things out of clay. It is a very long process as I use Air Drying Clay so depending on the weather or how warm it is in general will vary on the drying time. When Clay items are dry, I use Acrylic Paint and a Glaze to protect it.
I have never thought of using Fimo but if I can get my page working then I will consider it because it would be quicker than using air drying clay.

I have a page on Facebook called Sammii Made Me which I set up because I love to help people.

All my items that I have made is made to order. I decided to do this because it meant that item's could be made from scratch and could be personalized if it is required.
I am in the process of making items that are ready to sell as well as that way I can also offer personalized and unpersonalized items for everyone.

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